For bookings & reservations & further information, please contact us:
From DFW area:
We are approximately 3 hrs southwest of the DFW area. Take Hwy 67 to Hico, get on 281, follow it to Lampasas TX. Take FM 580W, 25 miles to Bend TX. At the Bend General Store, take left follow Barefoot signs
From Austin/San Antonio area:
We are approximately 2.5 hrs north of San Antonio & 90 miles north of Austin. Take Hwy 281 to Lampasas TX. Head north thru town on Key Ave, left on FM 580W/North Ave. Follow 580W about 25 miles to Bend TX. At the Bend General Store, take left, follow Barefoot signs.
We are located along the Colorado River in San Saba county. Helpful zip codes to get you here are....
Bend TX 76824
Lampasas TX 76550
San Saba TX 76877
See you soon! Happy Camping!